What the Emotionally Abused Should Hear in Christian Counseling

The ideal of Christian marriage as a safe, nurturing place lasting “until death does us part,” has historically been a sticking point for those suffering from emotionally abusive conditions when seeking Christian counseling. The conflict between the dream of a perfect world and rigid interpretations of Biblical principles sends many away from encounters with well-meaning counselors…

One Major Misconception When Dealing With Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a difficult subject. Many have opinions, but not all opinions come from personal experience. Addicts hear all kinds of advice from family and friends. Especially when struggling with addiction. Everyone wants to help. Most of the time this help produces an opposite outcome. An addict’s struggle includes a consistent fight with their thoughts….

Marital Infidelity Does Not Have to Mean it’s Over

Contrary to what you may be feeling right now, a spouse’s marital infidelity does not mean your relationship is over. Infidelity is likely a symptom of an ongoing problem that now needs to be addressed immediately. Although extremely damaging to a marriage, the damage of infidelity is not usually irreparable. After the dust settles, do you really want to never…

Pursue a Successful Marriage with Premartial Therapy

You’re getting prepared for the wedding, but what are you doing to prepare for the marriage? Marriage is a beautiful union between two imperfect individuals. As much as you may feel that your significant other is perfect, they just aren’t and neither are you. You may know this from previous experiences in relationships. There are arguments,…