Get to the Root of Your Bad Financial Habits with Counseling

We often get counseling for childhood trauma, marital issues, or for our children’s problems when they arise.  But did you know that you can seek out counseling to help you overcome bad financial habits?  You don’t just wake up one day and decide to mismanage your finances.  This habit develops over a period of time,…

It’s Never Too Late to Seek Help from an Addiction Counselor

There are many people out there who struggle with alcohol abuse, drug addiction and other addiction-related issues. If this is something that you’re going through, then you should definitely know that you are not alone. For many people who have addiction issues, it might feel as if things will never get better. You might have…

How an Addiction Counselor Helps with a Dual Diagnosis

You struggle with chemical dependency. However, there is more to your addiction than that. An underlying mood disorder or mental illness worsens the condition. An addiction counselor can make a significant difference when you are ready to enter recovery. Understanding the Dual Diagnosis When a client visits the clinic with a substance abuse problem as…

Do Christians Have to Suffer from Anxiety Alone?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Society of America, over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety-related disorders. Yet, anxiety is a word most Christians don’t like to talk about. After all, the Bible says in Philippians 4:6, “do not be anxious about anything.” While fully acknowledging the truth of the Scripture we must also admit…

Inclusive Language: Self-Awareness, Understanding, and Learning from your Mistakes

Language matters. The word choices we make daily can influence our relationships with our family and friends. You should be aware of the word choices you make and feel confident in how those choices represent your character. How we represent our character is important in terms of the brand we depict to the world. Perhaps…